4 Herd Holstein Dairy Dispersal

Location: 900 Long lane Pembroke Ky 42266
Date: March 26, 2021
Time: 9:00 am

Items Up For Auction

Total of 147+ Head

1st HERD

32 Head

Scc 175,000

Herd milk average 65lbs

Butterfat 3.6

10-1st lactation

5-2nd lactation

5-3rd lactation

Rest 4th lactation and up!

4 dry cows

1 registered angus bull

Sellers: David & Ada Stoltzfus



35 Head Dispersal

13-1st lactation

10-2nd lactation

7-3rd lactation

3-4th lactation

Rolling Herd Average 60 lbs

Butterfat 3.6

Scc 56,000

Protein 2.8

Top cow milking 90+ lbs

34 cows

1-2 yr old black angus bull

Sellers: Chris & Sadie Stoltzfus



42 Head Dispersal

38 cows

4 Springers

13-1st lactation

6-2nd lactation

9-3rd lactation

4-5th lactation

Milk Herd average 70lbs.

Butterfat 4.01 Protein 2.9

SCC 184,000

Top cow Milking 90+ lbs.

All cows are bred to a A2A2 Holstein Bull.

Sellers: David & Emma Stoltzfus



38 Head

34 Milking cows

3 dry cows

1- Angus bull

Rolling milk herd 75lbs

SCC 150,000

Butterfat 4.0

3- 1st lactation

7-2nd lactation

9-3rd lactation

Rest 4th lactation and up

Sellers: Amos Jr & Melinda King


Wagonload of small items.

Wagonload of new Milking supplies.

2 New Holland 892 choppers.

1100 gal liquid manure spreader.

28′ field sprayer.

Forecart. 13-16′ gates.

Don’t miss this opportunity to add to your herd!!

Lot’s of great cows!!!

Individual Milk Weights, SCC, & Butterfat day of sale!